
On the roster: Home(page) at last - Time Out: Hail to the Chief - Trump looks to use V.A. nominee bust to target Tester - Audible: Why we fight - Be a pelican, not a pelican’t
HOME(PAGE) AT LAST MORGANTOWN, W. Va. – We hate to say, “At last!” because we have been talking about these midterm elections for so long, but we can’t help ourselves: At last!
We are on the road on the eve of what promises to be a very consequential debate in a very consequential Senate race here in the Mountain State. And it doesn’t hurt either that not even Aaron Copland could have conjured an Appalachian Spring more glorious than the one we find here.
The first order of business is that we are proud to share with you the Fox News Channel’s brand-spanking-new 2018 elections page.  Loyal readers have been following along with our Fox News Power Rankings for several months, but even we need the help of a couple of spreadsheets to keep track of all of the changes. Now, it’s all in one place and ready for your review.
We hope you’ll bookmark the page and follow along as the campaigns unfold. There will be upgrades and new features as we go.
For those of you unfamiliar with our ratings, we have sorted senatorial, gubernatorial and House elections into five categories ranging from Likely Republican to Lean Republican to Toss Up to Lean Democrat to Likely Democrat.
Readers will also note that our “Control of House” average of generic ballot polls is now illustrated in a handy-dandy bar graph. We’re pleased with the result and very grateful to all of the folks in web design and across the network who help make it possible.
Speaking of race ratings, we do have one change of note this week.
We had long held that Sen. Joe Donnelly, D-Ind., was the most vulnerable Democratic incumbent. The fundamentals of the race look very bad for Donnelly. Like his Democratic colleagues from North Dakota, Missouri and West Virginia, Donnelly represents a state that was heavily Republican in 2016. But in addition, he happens to hail from Vice President Mike Pence’s home state, and Pence is running point on GOP midterm efforts this year. Add in the senator’s relatively low name identification in the Hoosier State and he looked like a sure-fire loser.

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